Mark Bowden
World-renowned body-language thought-leader and founder of TRUTHPLANE® communication training company, Mark’s cutting-edge system of nonverbal communication techniques helps audiences become more confident, collaborative, and credible in their communication.
Voted Global Gurus #1 Body Language Professional, Mark trains individuals, teams, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and Prime Ministers of G7 powers. Mark is on faculty for The Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA, and President of the National Communication Coach Association of Canada.
Mark’s TEDx talk reaches millions, he is a go-to body-language commentator for CTV, CBC, Global, and regularly quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and GQ.
Bestselling books are Winning Body Language, Winning Body Language for Sales Professionals; Tame the Primitive Brain, and TRUTH & LIES: What People are Really Thinking.